A total of 138 projects were submitted under the 1st call for projects under the Interreg MAC 2021-2027 programme. Following the analysis of the admissibility conditions, a total of 135 projects have been declared admissible and are now in the evaluation phase.

The 135 projects under evaluation request more than 336 million euros of ERDF, more than 4 times the available funding (78 million euros).

The majority of the 135 projects were submitted under Priority 1 SMART MAC (50%), followed by Priority 2 GREEN MAC (46%) and finally Priority 4 MOBILITY MAC (4%).

PRIORITY Nº projects under evaluation ERDF available ERDF requested
P1 – Smart MAC 68 37.068.800 160.540.834
P2 – Green MAC 62 37.068.800 169.029.517
P4 – Mobility MAC 5 4.633.600 7.209.350
TOTAL 135 78.771.200 336.779.700

A total of 1.376 entities participate in the projects, 906 from the European part of the cooperation area (MAC) and 470 entities from the 7 African partner countries.

Nº entities
Madeira 182
Azores 181
Canary Islands 543
Cape Verde 179
Ivory Coast 51
Gambia 21
Ghana 47
Mauritania 44
Senegal 73
St. Tomé and PrIncipe 55

The evaluation phase will last several months and the decision to approve the projects will be taken by the Steering Committee, foreseen in June 2024. The Lead Partners will be informed accordingly.