CALL FOR VIDEOS (ERDF flagship projects in the outermost regions): Complete EU Survey by 9/08/2024

We are looking for short video clips showcasing flagship projects financed by the ERDF in the outermost regions. The selected video will be featured during the workshop “Implementing the Outermost Regions Strategy: Progress Made” at the upcoming European Week of Regions and Cities 2024.

Workshop Details:

Please note that the videos must respect these requirements:

  • Maximum Duration: 2 minutes
  • Branding: Include a simple funding statement mentioning the European Union’s support (EU emblem)
  • Technical Specifications: Horizontal (16:9) and HD (mov or .mp4 format)
  • Language: English or any EU language with English subtitles

Important notes:

  • Videos should be only related to projects and effectively present the key messages.
  • The organisers will not provide any support for video production.
  • Please ensure that your video complies with data protection rules, including obtaining prior consent from individuals featured in the video.

To submit your suggestions, please participate in the EU survey available at this link: EUSurvey – Call for videos: ERDF flagship projects in the outermost regions

By completing the survey, you will help us to evaluate and select the video. The survey is available in English and French (machine translation).

The deadline for submission is 9 August 2024 COB.

DG REGIO Outermost Regions unit