On behalf of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), we would like to invite you to the workshop ‘Horizon Europe: Opportunities for the Outermost Regions’ taking place online at the following times:
16 November 2023
13:00–16:00 (Canary Islands, Madeira) | 12:00–15:00 (Azores)
Interpretation will be provided in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English during the event.
The Horizon Europe programme funding programme for research and innovation. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It promotes the creation and wider dissemination of excellent knowledge and technologies.
Many Info Days about the programme have been and are being organised by the European Commission to give to prospective applicants and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation the opportunity to get information and ask questions about the main funding instruments, processes of Horizon Europe. Please find on this link the recent Info days and other useful resources.
This workshop will focus on:
- presenting the Horizon Europe programme and its opportunities for the EU Outermost Regions
- providing recommendations on application procedures
- sharing experiences from past beneficiaries
- dedicating time for questions and answers
Make sure to confirm your participation by registering here and do not hesitate to share this invitation with colleagues for whom it might be relevant!