Mobility and migration management.
The regional and local challenges associated with immigration, both at the point of origin and destination, can only be overcome by regions/countries working together. The possibility of addressing specific external cooperation issues such as security, border crossing management and migration is a novelty in Interreg.
A- Related types of action and their expected contribution to these specific objectives and to macro - regional and sea - basin strategies, as appropriate
The regional and local challenges associated with immigration, both at the point of origin and destination, can only be overcome by regions/countries working together.
The mobility of people within the cooperation area is a necessity and a priority for promoting exchanges and consolidating ties and mutual trust. However, this organized mobility coexists with the growing mobility of undocumented migrants moving from the African continent to the EU, with the Canary Islands being a key arrival point. This creates difficulties for countries of origin and transit as well as for destination countries.
The possibility of addressing specific external cooperation issues such as security, border crossing management and migration is a new feature of the Interreg Specific Objectives for the period 2021-2027.
Projects under this objective do not in principle contribute specifically to the pillars of the Atlantic Action Plan.
Actions under this specific objective will in any case be complementary to those carried out under other European instruments, in particular the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the ESF, avoiding any overlapping. Priority will be given to actions related to immigrant unaccompanied minors.
This objective could also include a pilot project under the Communication “Attracting skills and talent to the EU” encouraging youth mobility and the creation of talent partnerships.
Actions in the areas of migration management complementary to those carried out within the framework of other programs and instruments such as the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund or the European Social Fund, in particular those related to unaccompanied minors (UMs).
Actions to improve reception at the border
Dissemination and awareness campaigns on the migratory phenomenon.
B. Indicators
Perfomance indicators:Priority: 4
Specific Objective: OEI.7.2

Result indicators:Priority: 4
Specific Objective: OEI.7.2

C. Main target groups
Public Administrations and linked public and private entities will be the main beneficiaries, although there may be others, such as Non-Governmental Organizations, and other public or private non-profit entities based in the Azores regions, Madeira, Canary Islands and Third Countries,
The target groups include both the beneficiaries themselves, as well as the migrant population and all citizens who may benefit from the development of projects that contribute to improving management and increasing awareness of the migratory phenomenon.
The target groups include both the beneficiaries themselves, as well as the productive sectors and society as a whole that may benefit from the development of projects.
D- Indicative breakdown of program resources provided by the EU by intervention type
DIMENSION 1. Intervetion ScopePriority: 4

DIMENSION 2. Form of FinancingPriority: 4