MAC governance Improving the governancePriority 3
of cooperation.
Improved institutional capacity, promotion of interpersonal actions, support for better governance of cooperation
The programme will strengthen cooperation with neighbouring third countries in the field of governance by addressing growing global challenges and interdependence, supporting the establishment of smooth relations between the European and African sides to achieve more effective integration and identifying joint challenges.
A- Related types of action and their expected contribution to these specific objectives and to macro - regional and sea - basin strategies, as appropriate
Within the framework defined by the Commission Communication “A renewed and stronger strategic partnership with the outermost regions of the European Union” [COM (2017) 613 final], and in particular the pillar relating to the regional integration of the ORs, the Interreg MAC program is the principal tool for strengthening and expanding cooperation with neighbouring third countries to respond to global challenges and growing interdependence.
Article 43 of Regulation 2021/947 (NDICI – Global Europe Regulation) provides for the possibility of including a specific financial allocation to assist partner countries and regions to strengthen their cooperation with neighbouring Union outermost regions. To this end, the NDICI will contribute, on the basis of reciprocity and proportionality, as regards the level of funding, to actions implemented by a partner country, a region or a Union outermost region in the frame of cooperation programmes established and implemented under the Interreg Regulation.
Complementarity and consistency between MAC priority objectives and those set out both in national indicative programmes of MAC third partner countries and the indicative programme for Sub-Saharan Africa is an essential requirement to identify actions of common interest that may be financed by both the ERDF and the NDICI. This complementarity has been taken into account throughout the programming period.
The main objective of the MAC Governance Priority through the ATLANTE strategic project (continuation of the current Hexagone) will be the implementation of this joint ERDF/NDICI programming. When actions of common interest being subject to joint ERDF/IVDICI financing are identified as a result of this joint work between the European and African parts of the program, the MAC management bodies will discuss the implementation modalities with the support of the relevant services of the European Commission, in accordance with the provisions of both the European Territorial Cooperation Regulation (Article 55) and the IVDCI Regulation (Article 43).
The ATLANTE project will include the following actions:
1. Creating a dialogue and coo9rdination forum for the identification of common priorities. It will be integrated by all program partners and other partners such as the European Commission, the EU Delegations in the African partner countries and other public and private non-profit entities present in the cooperation area;
2. Establishing thematic working groups in the priority areas of common interest for the identification of potential beneficiaries and actions to be jointly financed by the ERDF/IVDCI. In this context, special attention will be given to those actions strengthening partner capacity to contribute to the European Maritime Safety Strategy and its Action Plan, in accordance with their relevant competences;
3. Promoting coordination and synergies with other European, or international, programs and instruments present in the area, by encouraging coordination with other complementary sources of financing;
4. Capitalizing the results obtained and knowledge generated in the MAC 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. The capitalization will be developed according to the conclusions of the “Capitalisation Tailored Support” provided by the INTERACT program, and will include, among others, the following actions:
Conducting analysis and inspiring connections between projects to identify relevant knowledge created by projects that may be exploited and/or integrated and inspire synergies or create new joint projects,
Creating, implementing and adopting mechanisms and processes to facilitate the exploitation and reuse of knowledge, experiences and results of the projects towards new third country beneficiaries,
Preparing and launching specific capitalization project calls,
Organizing training and sharing experiences to increase the capacity of partners to enhance, consolidate, transfer and integrate their results,
Organizing and disseminating information among potential beneficiaries to facilitate the reuse of existing results generated by Interreg MAC 2014-2020 and 2007-2013 projects in cooperation with EU delegations;
5. Finally, there is no doubt that the rapprochement between the European and African parts of the program requires an effective involvement of the civil society, in particular young people. In this respect, support will be given to actions aimed at strengthening mutual trust and fostering interpersonal relations, particularly among young people.
B. Indicators
Perfomance indicators:Priority: 3
Specific Objective: OEI.6.1
Result indicators:Priority: 3
Specific Objective: OEI.6.1
C. Main target groups
Public Administrations and linked public and private entities will be the main beneficiaries, although there may be others such as Universities, research centres, technological institutes and foundations, Chambers of Commerce, business and professional associations and other socioeconomic agencies and public or private non-profit entities based in Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Third Countries.
The target groups include both the beneficiaries themselves, as well as productive sectors and society as a whole that may benefit from improvements to the governance of public services.
The target groups include both the beneficiaries themselves, as well as the productive sectors and society as a whole that may benefit from the development of projects.