SMART MAC Improving the competitiveness ofPriority 1
companies through an
economic transformation
Desarrollar y mejorar las capacidades de investigación e innovación y la implantación de tecnologías avanzadas.
Applied research which responds to real market needs, will be prioritized. Business opportunities in the cooperation space will arise through developing innovative solutions that are adapted to the challenges that exist in the territories involved, and the n transferred to the market.
A- Related types of action and their expected contribution to these specific objectives and to macro - regional and sea - basin strategies, as appropriate
The Macaronesia region and the Third Countries suffer from a significant deficit in terms of research and innovation, especially evident in African countries.
The cooperation area is located far from the so-called regional innovation leaders, with the outermost European regions and the Third Countries considered to be moderate innovators. According to the pillars of competitiveness established by the World Economic Forum, these territories are, in general terms and setting aside differences between them, at a basic level of competitiveness centred on factor-driven economies. As yet, few steps have been taken towards an efficiency-driven model, which is a very necessary condition to achieving an innovation-driven model. In this sense, it becomes especially important to focus on policies that are based on the efficiency-innovation binomial.
It follows from this that there exists not only a shared weakness in relation to research (particularly applied research), and innovation, but also a lack of stable mechanisms that support the transfer of knowledge to the private sector. In fact, the low level of cooperation between research centres and universities and the business world constitute one of the most serious problems faced by innovation systems in the territory. The limited participation of companies in research initiatives and groups means that business is distanced from the effective needs of the market. This leads to suboptimal use of R&D&i capacities by companies, which thus in turn see their potential for innovation reduced.
In this context, cooperation efforts must go in two main directions:
In the first place, it is essential to consolidate a common technological “ecosystem” that facilitates interaction between university and research centres and industry. This is the only way forward when it comes to improving the performance of R&D for regional economic networks and, therefore, increasing the performance of innovation systems.
Secondly, it is vital to increase the broad promotion of the appraisal and transfer of research outcomes, so that, through joint work, outcomes reach the market and provide solutions to the needs of the business system in the Cooperation Space. In fact, improving the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge to the business sector, as a result of joint work, will promote greater efficiency in regional innovation systems and value creation, thus promoting the interface between knowledge and the innovation that the market needs.
Public-private cooperation makes it possible, in this framework, to overcome difficulties faced by the productive system, particularly for smaller companies, by bringing together the research capabilities of the territory and the effective needs of the productive system, in this way reaching critical mass and minimizing the dispersion of efforts in the cooperation area. This will make it possible to consolidate an innovative culture that guarantees the competitiveness of companies in international markets.
As such, there is an imperative need to support R&D&i aimed at responding to the demands of companies and the broader community as a whole, as well as the transfer of knowledge in order to support the development of technological solutions for applying research outcomes.
To this end, the following types of actions are proposed, among others:
- Initiatives that support collaborative projects between research centres and companiesthat create spaces for exchange between research, innovation and business and trial laboratory to market transfers. These initiatives must be based on the regional competitive advantages, the priorities defined in the smart specialisation strategies in the MAC Area and the characteristics of the existing scientific-technological infrastructures. The actions should promote private R&D and may improve the competitiveness of public structures for the attraction of international R&D projects, always complementary to the financing of infrastructures. Examples of this type of initiative could be:
Support for actions promoting the use of public research infrastructures by companies (for experimental trials, prototype installation and monitoring, etc.).
Support for public actions promoting the use of land or spaces to adapt and equip them with the necessary infrastructures and equipment so that companies and research centres can set up and develop innovative or specialised R&D activities in certain areas depending on the conditions of these spaces, and maximise collaboration between them.
Support for the conclusion of innovative technology contracts between companies and research centres leading to knowledge and technology transfer agreements.
In general, support for public-private collaboration in R&D and innovation.
Technology transfers between universities/research centres and companies in strategic areas – agri-food, bio-economy, blue growth, aerospace, tourism and creative industries, among others – with a focus on increasing competitiveness, productivity and job creation. In addition to the previous point:
Support for the generation of technology-based companies from research institutions on the basis of the knowledge generated in these institutions
Reinforcement of the activity of the OTRIs (research results transfer offices) or similar
Promotion of entrepreneurship among researchers;
Strengthening collaboration with private companies (e.g. through the creation of ad-hoc chairs), the establishment of agreements to make the most of research results, the creation of consortia to carry out R&D projects, the development of innovative business models, the identification of research results that can be transferred to the market, the valorisation of technologies to be transferred to the market and the development of innovative services that meet business needs.
Actions that promote transition based on knowledge as a circular socioeconomic model.
Actions must prioritize key sectors, including, in addition to those specifically detailed in the smart specialisation strategies in the MAC area, sustainable tourism, the aerospace sector, the green economy and the blue economy. Capitalizing on the results obtained in the projects developed within the framework of MAC 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 Programs constitute a priority and transversal objective of MAC 2021-2027 and will be especially valued in the projects that fall within this specific objective. Projects under this objective are expected to contribute to the Atlantic 2.0 Action Plan for a sustainable, resilient and competitive blue economy. Specifically, they are expected to contribute to the second pillar of the Action Plan: improving the blue professional skills of the future and the knowledge of the oceans.
B. Indicators
Perfomance indicators:Priority: 1
Specific Objective: 1.1
Result indicators:Priority: 1
Specific Objective: 1.1
C. Main target groups
Administraciones públicas y entes de derecho público y privado vinculados a las mismas.
Universities, research centres, technological institutes and foundations.
Companies. As an exception to the general rule of the program, in this specific objective the participation of companies and profit-making entities as beneficiary partners of the co-financed projects will be allowed. Their participation should add value to the project and support the transfer of results achieved to the market. With a view to guaranteeing compliance with State aids rules under European law, companies will participate in accordance with the provisions of articles 20 and 20 bis of the General Block Exemption Regulation.
Chambers of Commerce, business and professional associations and other socioeconomic agencies.
Other public or private non-profit entities based in the regions of Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Third Countries.
The target groups include both the beneficiaries themselves, as well as the productive sectors and society as a whole that may benefit from the development of projects.
D- Indicative breakdown of program resources provided by the EU by intervention type
DIMENSION 1. Intervetion ScopePriority: 1
Specific Objective: 1.1
DIMENSION 2. Form of FinancingPriority: 1
Specific Objective: 1.1
Reinforce sustainable growth, competitiveness and employment creation in SMEs, also through investments that generate income.
The productive system in the cooperation area presents a series of characteristics that have significantly conditioned the evolution of its competitiveness and internationalization. It is necessary to adopt measures to promote entrepreneurship in strategic sectors and activities, and contribute to overcoming difficulties faced by SMEs.
A- Related actions and their expected contribution to these specific objectives and to macro-regional and sea-basin strategies, as appropriate
The productive system in the cooperation area presents a series of characteristics that have significantly conditioned the evolution of its competitiveness and internationalization. It is necessary to adopt measures to promote entrepreneurship in strategic sectors and activities, and contribute to overcoming difficulties faced by SMEs.
The business sector is clearly predominated by micro-enterprises, with entrepreneurship levels below the European Union average (taking the creation of new companies as a reference) and a low volume of merchandise exports.
Furthermore, the productive system is characterized by limited diversification and high specialization in the tourism sector and a series of traditional economic activities which are intensive in natural resources and based on the production of primary products, and less concentrated on links of the value chain that require a higher degree of transformation, in which a higher added value is obtained.
These weaknesses, along with their location potential as a link between Africa, America and Europe, make it necessary to adopt measures to promote entrepreneurship (prioritizing strategic sectors or activities) and contribute to overcoming difficulties faced by SMEs, thereby encouraging the participation of regions companies in international markets through the use of joint capacities and opportunities of territorial cooperation.
Consolidating a culture of innovation in companies in the cooperation area will contribute to reducing the gap that exists in relation to competitiveness with leading companies in new technologies and will help to identify market niches that favour the diversification of economic activity and job creation.
Projects under this objective are expected to contribute to the Atlantic 2.0 Action Plan for a sustainable, resilient and competitive blue economy. Specifically, projects under this objective will be able to contribute to Pillar I of this Plan (Ports as gateways and hubs for the blue economy) and Pillar II (Blue skills of the future and knowledge about the oceans).
The type of actions will include, among others, the following:
Actions to increase awareness, consulting, tutelage and support for innovation in the productive system.
Developing innovative applications that use advanced digital technologies, such as Big Data and artificial intelligence, applied to measurement, management and decision making.
Initiatives that increase the capacity of SMEs and micro-enterprises, including in traditional sectors, to innovate and assimilate key transversal and enabling technologies.
Activities to generate and transfer know-how for managing technology-based companies, pilot experiences, create spin-off companies, etc.
Actions aimed at intensifying the participation of small businesses in innovation projects, through tools and models adapted to their needs and capabilities.
Support services for innovation and internationalization.
The creation of public-private platforms to support SMEs.
The creation of joint marketing platforms to optimize processes and reduce costs.
B- Indicators
Perfomance indicators:Priority: 1
Specific objectives: 1.3
Result indicators:Priority: 1
Specific objectives: 1.3
C- Main targets groups
Administraciones públicas y entes de derecho público y privado vinculados a las mismas.
Universities, research centres, technological institutes and foundations.
Chambers of Commerce, business and professional associations and other socioeconomic agencies.
Other public or private non-profit entities based in the regions of Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Third Countries.
SMEs will benefit as the ultimate recipients of support lines or support services, provided they meet the conditions for State aid, but they cannot be beneficiaries/partners of co-financed projects. The target groups include both the beneficiaries themselves, as well as the productive sectors and society as a whole that may benefit from the development of projects.